Just who are these "10%er's"? One of our brothers explains below:

Bikers across this country have been asking during the past year..."Who the hell are these 10%er's?"
Well, the 10%er's were born a couple of years back by a brother who has since move on.
The basic concept of the 10%er Brotherhood was four-fold:

1. Educate newer genererations about the true nature of "Brotherhood."
2. Work to collectively get the "clubs" to band together to fight legislation against bikers.
3. Remember our Veterans and POW-MIA issues.
4. Network around the world to help ANY downed brother.

 We wear a patch over our heart to signify that we stand for the above and respect the values of the "true brotherhood.". Most of us are gray-bearded ole-timers that remember the old days when love and respect were shown amongst all clubs and club members and we sometimes see that changing and are "hell-bent" on trying to keep the "old ways" alive.

 The brother that founded this organization has moved on, along with brother "Lone Wolf" (sadly, who passed away last year), has gathered a group of "brothers" throughout the United States and several foreign countries to continue the passage of teaching the "brotherhood ways" as we knew it in the early years. We all ride "American Iron" and we support all of our brothers, club members and also 1%er's that have been incarcerated unjustly. We also support the veteran's of our respect to the honor of those that were lost and those that never made it "home."

 Basically...if you meet up with a have met up with someone who is a "true brother"...someone you can depend on and someone that you will always welcome in your household and know that they'll be there for you if needed. They wear a patch on their left shoulder (over the heart) that is red and black with the words 10%er in the center...respect 'em...they are "the brotherhood of bikers" and we're still trying to keep our dying breed alive. We will succeed.

 We do not accept membership unless an exisisting member has personally met with a potential member and determined that their "heart and soul" remain with the "brotherhood."